Python Tuples

Features of a Tuple
A tuple is a collection of objects. It contains the following features:
- It is ordered
- It is NOT changeable
- It allows duplicate members
- Smaller and faster than a list
1) Create a Tuple
Use parenthesis to create a tuple.
2) Access items in a Tuple
Items in a tuple are accessed by index. You can also use slice notation.
3) Get the count of items in an Tuple
To get the count of items in a Tuple use the len() method
4) Check if an item exists in a Tuple
To check if an item exists in a Tuple use the in keyword
5) Loop through items in a Tuple
Use a for loop to loop though items in a Tuple.
6) Add items to a Tuple
Tuples are not changeable. To add an item to a Tuple you must create a new Tuple.